"I issue you a Grand Challenge!"

         My voice barely carried over the roar of flames, the crackle of burning wood, and the deep rumble of houses collapsing under their own weight.

         Ethereal flames danced around us, once a town square, now a fiery battlefield. The atmosphere scorched my lungs with every breath. Plumes of fire erupted into the sky around us, setting the cool winter night ablaze with searing radiant light. I could see the silhouette of the massive bird in the distance, its feathers pulsing with blinding heat.

         The knight turned toward me slowly, flames dancing upon the reflective metal of his jet-black armor, his face obscured by a helmet shaped like a wyvern head. I could see the light from his crimson eyes burning as he stared at me in disbelief.

         "Here?" he growled. "Now?"

         The low grumble of his words rang crystal clear in my ears, reverberating from within me, dark and thick.

         "Yes!" I shouted through the flames, nocking an arrow and drawing my bow.

         I willed my aim to remain steady, but my body swayed with every breath, my bow bobbing like a ship at sea.

         The knight narrowed his eyes, staring me down. I could feel the intensity of his glare penetrate deep into my bones, causing waves of goosebumps to ripple across my skin.

         But after what felt like an eternity, he shook his head in disgust, and turned away from me. For a moment, his form blurred, though I couldn't tell if it was from the heat or all the smoke I'd inhaled.

         Without thinking, I released my arrow.

         It whistled through the air, striking harmlessly at the ground beside the knight's feet, but it was enough to get his attention.

         He turned toward me again.

         "Girl, do not test me."

         I looked at the jet-black steel of his blade, and fear gripped my heart like a vise. I could feel every fiber in my body screaming at me to run. My survival instinct pulled at me like the tide, but my feet remained firmly planted.

         I had to push forward. I had to protect my sister, no matter what.

         I nocked another arrow and drew my bow once more toward the knight, this time aiming at his head.

         "So be it."

         He raised his blade, and I let my arrow fly. Despite my fatigue, my aim was true, and the arrow soared toward the knight's helm with pinpoint accuracy.

         But just as the arrow was about to connect, a shield of fire erupted in front of him, incinerating it.

         The knight dashed forward with blistering speed, and I barely managed to duck under the searing hot edge of his blade, a wave of crimson flames erupting in a massive arc above me, singing my hair.

         I dodged backward from him, shooting an arrow at close range, but his blade sliced through the air with lightning precision, cutting the arrow in two.

         I scrambled away to gain distance, trying to muster together a counterattack, but there was no emerald essence in the air. It had all been burned away, converted to fire. I tried to weave together what I could, weak strands of green essence rising from the charred earth beneath us and accumulating in my hand. I launched my attack toward my opponent, but the blast of green essence dissipated quickly into a pathetic gust of hot air.

         I blinked a few times, trying to think, to strategize, but my mind felt hazy, and I felt myself grow weaker with every heaving breath.

         My muscles were burning. My eyes were burning. My lungs were burning.

         The knight stomped his foot down, launching a wave of fire across the earth like a tidal wave. I jumped to clear it, but the moment my feet left the ground, he rushed forward.

         I was helpless in the air.

         There was no way for me to dodge.

         No essence to block the attack with.

         Before my feet could even touch the ground, the air was ripped from my lungs, my skin burning as the knight rammed his shoulder into me, his metal armor digging deep into my chest.

         I felt fire and wood and dirt and stone and metal scrape across my skin as I tumbled to a stop, choking violently, desperate to regain my breath.

         But I had long surpassed my limits.

         I could feel my chest straining as I blinked rapidly, my breathing desperate and shallow. I tried to regain my composure, but it was no use.

         Even surrounded by searing flames, my vision was darkening.

         I looked up toward the knight and caught a glimmer of his eyes.

         Crimson red.

         Looking down upon me.

         I clawed my fingers into the ground, dirt caking under my nails, as he turned around.

         "Wait!" I screamed, my voice shrill.

         Don't turn away from me.

         My chest tightened, my muscles clenching.

         Don't walk away from me.

         I could feel my mind fracturing under the weight of everything.

         And then, suddenly, something broke.

         Something ignited.

         I raised my bow one last time, drawing on whatever strength I had left, and nocked an arrow. A flurry of black essence swirled around me as I clung desperately to my consciousness.

         I had to win.

         I had to beat him.


         I had to save her.

         All I needed to do was to save her.

         I could feel the fire burning me, from within.

         Magma, running through my veins.

         One last arrow, with everything that I had.

         I poured my very soul into the arrow.

         And I let go.


         Of everything.