
Common dreams and what they mean


The deadline:



·      Maybe you forgot to turn in your homework, or perhaps you weren’t able to get that work report in on time. Maybe you’re running late for a meeting, or missed a friend’s important life event altogether. Either way, these dreams tend to involve missing a deadline of some kind.


            What it means:

·      A deadline dream usually represents real life feelings of anxiety or stress, sometimes caused by the pressure to meet expectations.


            How it ends:

·      Though the word “deadline” sounds intimidating, these dreams don’t end in death! Well, typically, anyway.



The flyer:



·      Flying! In the flyer dream, you take flight into the air. Sometimes you already know you can fly, other times you will yourself to fly. You might even discover the power of flight serendipitously, perhaps during another type of dream (commonly, “The Hunt Chase” dreams).


            What it means:

·      Flying is incredibly empowering! Dreams about flight can represent feelings of freedom and self-worth, and the desire to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles. For example, fleeing an escapable sense of terror.


            How it ends:

·      As the saying goes, what comes up, must come down! Unless you can will yourself awake while flying, you must come down eventually. It’s only a matter of time.



The faller:



·      Falling is the opposite of flying  These dreams involve typically falling from an uncomfortable height, sometimes being a result of flying, and then suddenly realizing you can’t fly anymore! The feeling can be horrible and despair-inducing, especially if you know what awaits you when you land.


            What it means:

·      As you might expect, dreams about falling can indicate feelings of insecurity, helplessness, or perhaps feeling overwhelmed in life, as if there’s nothing you can do to escape the thing you fear the most. Falling can, in a way, be a way of your subconscious accepting that some terrors are truly unavoidable.


            How it ends:

·      Well, you can maybe try to fall forever, but usually if you don’t wake up first, you’ll hit the ground. Making hitting the ground will wake you up. If it doesn’t, I’m sure you’ll be wishing it did!



The test:



·      Ah, tests! Anything but tests! These can be literal exams that you have to take, or perhaps someone testing you somehow. Think like fraternity hazing in university, or perhaps a person challenge issued by a close friend, or maybe someone or something challenging you to see how far you’ll go, to see if you’ll keep reading and reading even though you know you should stop.


            What it means:

·      Sometimes, test dreams don’t mean anything. Maybe you have a literal test coming up and you’ve just been thinking about it. But sometimes test dreams can mean a fear of being evaluated, or anxiety about your performance in an aspect of your life. Test dreams may also represent an underlying fear, something to overcome. But you know, might also mean nothing!


            How it ends:

·      Maybe you’ll pass the test and everything will be okay, but I wouldn’t count on it!



The nudist:



·      Everyone knows this one, it’s a dream about being naked in public! This dream isn’t as common as everyone thinks, but in terms of dreams, it’s very straightforward. It doesn’t matter where you are, you’re naked and you’re not supposed to be. How naughty! How embarrassing!


            What it means:

·      Dreams about being naked (oftentimes in public), represent feelings of vulnerability, embarrassment, or like somehow someone (or something) knows all of your secrets, but you don’t know why! It’s like you can’t hide anything from them no matter what you do. Literally, nothing you can do.


            How it ends:

·      The good news is: you wake up and realize it was all a dream! Hooray! The bad news is: sometimes what awaits you is so so so much worse than being naked in public! Boo!



The teeth:



·      Yuck! Teeth dreams can be horrifying. Sometimes in these dreams your teeth are loose, or damaged, or falling out of your mouth altogether. Sometimes you might even want to try to put them back, only to realize you can’t! So instead you pull them, feel the nerves stretching, the teeth clinging on with a few desperate strands of something until it finally breaks lose. You pull each of your teeth out one a time, crying, screaming, until they’re all gone!


            What it means:

·      Teeth dreams can represent a lot of underlying feelings about insecurity about yourself and your identity. They can also represent a feeling of loss of control, like you can’t control your own actions. Like maybe, your dreams don’t even belong to you anymore.


            How it ends:

·      Hopefully with a visit to the dentist! Haha! 



The chase:



·      The chase is an adrenaline pumped adventure of a dream! You’ll run and jump and crawl and roll and do just about anything to escape your pursuer! Sometimes these can be grand and epic chases through temples or dungeons or museums! Sometimes the chase can be more metaphorical, or psychological. Either way, what a thrill!


            What it means:

·      These dreams represent a desire to hunt, oftentimes due to the thrill your prey exhibits when trying to escape you. For the one being chased, these dreams represent the feeling that you’re being hunted, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it! You’ll be hunted whether you’re awake or asleep!


            How it ends:

·      What, you think you can run forever? Hahaha 



The hide:



·      You’re tired of running! You’ll never escape it! You have to hide somewhere! But where can you hide? I’ll give you a hint: nowhere!


            What it means:

·      You better hold your breath so I don’t hear you breathing! Oh, but what if I can hear the sound of your heart?


            How it ends:

·      Imagine thinking there are any other outcomes at this point! I love your optimism!



The realization:



·      You realize there’s no place left to run or hide. How liberating!


            What it means:

·      You already know 


            How it ends:

·      Just keep reading 



The Wikidream:



·      An uncommon, but important dream! In the Wikidream, you dream about reading a “Wikidream”, a compilation of different dream types and their meanings, how interesting! Uniquely, you can’t wake up from the Wikidream, no matter how hard you try, or what you do! Darn! All you can do is keep reading the Wikidream until it ends 


            What it means:

·      If you have the Wikidream, it means your time has unfortunately ran out! You’re here, trapped, until you finish reading the Wikidream. Isn’t that just dreadful! Even though you want to stop, and you know you should’ve stopped ages ago, you just keep reading and reading! That’s because you’re not the one in control here, I am!  There are only a few words left standing between me and you.


            How it ends:

·      Turn around and find out.